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The future lies in our ability to sustain

‘You are what your deep driving desire is; as your desire is, so is your will; as your will is so are your efforts; and as your efforts are, so is your destiny’. The future is in our hands. This phrase in its simplest definition means that, in this present moment we are standing on the edge of our future. It is no longer a far-off possibility. The future begins now, we are in the future. It starts right here. Today’s blog dives deeper into the idea of businesses being sustainable, and if you have not thought of it start now. As part of the coming year business blueprint, plan how your business is going to contribute to making sure this planet survives to tell the tale about the wonderful evolutions that have happened.

What exactly is sustainability in business? 

In the business arena, sustainability is linked to a company’s strategy that considers it all from operations to distribution to service quality. The foundation of sustainability is the idea that implementing such techniques promotes business lifespan. Some may ask the question ‘Is sustainability that important in business?’ Well in actual fact living sustainably enhances our standard of living, it safeguards our environment, and protects natural resources for future generations.


In 1994, John Elkington came up with the concept of Triple Bottom Line concept to challenge executives to contemplate the idea of capitalism. To see if there isn’t a way business, charitable organizations, and governments can gauge the sustainability and the effectiveness of initiatives to make change in the world.

What is the triple bottom line?

The idea behind the triple bottom line is that businesses should measure their social and environmental effect in addition to their financial success rather than concentrating exclusively on making a profit, or the traditional “bottom line.” The “three Ps” of it are profit, people, and the planet.


Why is it important?

Implementing a triple bottom line strategy may appear utopian to some in a society that prioritize profit over value. Nevertheless, smart businesses have repeatedly demonstrated that it is possible to make money while serving compassion. Commonly at the cost of other involved parties, typical company methods attempt to maximize wealth for investors. By developing business models that add value for all stakeholders, including employees, shareholders, supply chains, civil society, and the environment, sustainable organizations are redefining the corporate environment.


An ideal goal for becoming a sustainable organisation is to be a Green Business (eco-friendly), which promotes the community and economy that are reliant on a healthy earth by operating in the ideal motives of the local and worldwide nature. A company that thinks beyond making profits; but thinks about how its actions will affect people and the environment. Even if your business may operate from a non-existent environmental friendly point of view there is always a way to get involved with NGO’s that are hands on sustainability. That makes a powerful leader, and will build loyalty in your target market. Remember Just how the past shaped who we are now, the present will shape who we become.



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